Call for Proposals
Open call for proposals for grants from the National Recording Preservation Foundation. Individual grants will be awarded up to $20,000 each. The following projects are eligible: preservation and/or archiving, digitization, collection appraisal and planning, material or professional conservation, and the creation of means for public and or research access to collections.
Ideally, we would like to fund projects in each of the following areas: broadcast, spoken word and music, but awards will be made solely on the basis of the proposals themselves.
Deadline: September 15, 2020
Grant Awards Announced: October 15, 2020
The National Recording Preservation Foundation offers grants to non-profit archives, libraries, museums, universities and other entities engaged in the preservation of audio materials that demonstrate cultural or historical importance and are held within the United States of America. In rare cases we may offer grants to commercial entities if a case can be made for the material’s cultural and historical value, the commercial holder cannot fund such preservation itself and a partnership exists with a non-profit entity in the field. Projects leading only to commercial release without an archival preservation component element will most likely be found lacking. The NRPF does not offer grants to individuals unless the materials are housed within a non-profit structure.
These grants, totaling $50,000, are funded by the Library of Congress’ National Recording Preservation Board and reflects its keen interest in audio preservation and support of the NRPF.
FOR MORE INFORMATION, write to us at
Put in the subject line: Request for Grant Application Details
We will send by return email full information on how to apply.
With best regards,
Gerald Seligman
Executive Director
National Recording Preservation Foundation
About the NRPF
The National Recording Preservation Foundation (NRPF) is an independent, charitable organization and registered 501(c)(3) entity. The NRPF works across the United States to foster awareness of the diverse perspectives and communities documented in audio, to support the preservation of historical and at-risk audio collections, and to coordinate resources for the digital preservation of audio recordings. The NRPF was mandated through federal charter by the U.S. Congress under the National Recording Preservation Act of 2000 (Pub. L. 106-474) and was thereafter duly incorporated in 2010.
### End press release ###