RIAA – The Recording Industry Association of America – Supports NRPF With a Grant

For immediate release

September 11, 2018

Press Contact: Gerald Seligman (info@recordingpreservation.org)


The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) has made a generous contribution to the National Recording Preservation Foundation (NRPF), a project dedicated to helping to preserve recorded sound.

“RIAA is pleased to contribute to the important work of the NRPF to protect and preserve sound recordings for future generations of music fans,” said David Hughes, RIAA’s Chief Technology Officer. “These recordings are etched in our history and have shaped our culture in profound ways. We are grateful to the NRPF and look forward to our continued partnership.”

The National Recording Preservation Foundation mission is to help find, preserve and make accessible the recorded history of the United States and help recuperate collections housed within the United States. These include international assets. Music, broadcast, speeches, spoken word – saved for all time. It does this by offering grants to not-for-profit archives in libraries, universities, foundations and elsewhere.

“We are honored by the RIAA’s generous support for your preservation efforts,” said NRPF’s Executive Director, Gerald Seligman. “It goes such a long way in helping us support the preservation of our audio heritage. With contributions such as these the RIAA demonstrates how they look back to preserve even as the move ever-forward to develop new generations of recording artists.”


About the NRPF

The National Recording Preservation Foundation (NRPF) is an independent, charitable organization and registered 501(c)(3) entity. The NRPF works across the United States to foster awareness of the diverse perspectives and communities documented in audio, to support the preservation of historical and at-risk audio collections, and to coordinate resources for the digital preservation of audio recordings. The NRPF was mandated through federal charter by the U.S. Congress under the National Recording Preservation Act of 2000 (Pub. L. 106-474) and was thereafter duly incorporated in 2010.

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